The Fatherhood CoMission champions organizations that serve fathers who are seeking to lead their families and communities prayerfully guided by God.

Our Purpose

By serving, networking, and inspiring fatherhood ministries and leaders, the Fatherhood CoMission champions those coming alongside everyday dads looking for resources, events, and organizations that can help guide their efforts to be the fathers God has called them to be.
We view fatherlessness as the heartbreaking cultural evil of our generation and vow to raise awareness that every child needs and deserves a loving, involved, committed and intentional father or father figure.  We champion fatherhood and those who champion fatherhood.
The Word of God is the foundational guide for our efforts and we:

  • Reveal the biblical character qualities of a father

  • Are a relationship building platform for fatherhood organizations

  • Define the major problems of our generation impacted by fatherlessness

  • Provide a Leadership Summit for key fathering leaders and organizations

  • Connect the church to local initiatives and media sources supporting fatherhood

  • Equip, empower and encourage those in the fatherhood space to be a collaborative part of the solution of fatherlessness

History and Who We Are

Since the inception of the Fatherhood Commission in 2011, leaders passionate about fatherhood and the development of helpful tools in healing relationships due to the lack of fatherhood have gathered, supported and encouraged one another in advocating God’s intention for Fatherhood.

What started as ministry leaders around the country rallying around the movie Courageous, became a fatherhood movement. The award-winning movie Courageous revealed and highlighted the epidemic of deep woundedness due to fatherlessness and the complexities around healing. Ministries around the country came together and realized they were not alone in their call and years long efforts to equip, guide and heal fathers and their children.

In the last decade over 220 national, regional and local ministries, and countless fathers and families, have benefitted from the collaborative efforts of small and large ministries dedicated to championing fatherhood brought together by the Fatherhood CoMission. By working together, sharing successes, challenges and opportunities, truly these efforts have been multiplied, enhanced and blessed. Strategy, resources, relationship and shared stories of God’s faithfulness in the midst of brokenness has allowed fatherhood ministries to develop, grow and thrive through collaboration and association.

The Father CoMission continues to grow and expand its reach to millions of fathers all over the world by serving, inspiring and networking fatherhood leaders.

The Fatherhood CoMission hosts a complimentary Leadership Summit each year in partnership with WinShape Foundation which allows more than 100 leaders and their spouses to network and build relationship with other leaders and organizations. In relationship is where God does His best work.

We would be grateful if you would join the Fatherhood CoMission, and these God-directed organizations who are reaching fathers all over the world by praying for our efforts and for those we serve. We hope you see the value of the work we are doing to champion fathers, and the leaders that serve them, and we invite you to give a one time, or ongoing, tax deductible gift to the Fatherhood CoMission. Your gifts will allow us to continue our good work honoring our Heavenly Father, revealing His intention for Fatherhood in our culture and in individual homes.