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The Sex Talk: Rated R for Real life


The lights in the movie theater darkened as the screen flickered to life. The scene opened to children, a brother and sister not more than six or seven years old, playing in the African sun. Tall golden grass stretched out around them, all the way to the horizon. In the distance, giraffes ate from the leaves of a tree. The warm sun and gentle breeze had lulled their father to sleep against a tree.

I immediately felt drawn into the moment by the sweet melody of the score, a blend of flute and harp and subtle percussion. Without warning, a lioness on the hunt smothered the children who didn’t even have the chance to scream. Of course, I did (and so did half the audience). The scene cut to the father weeping over a blood-stained blanket and tatters of his children’s clothes. I couldn’t help but cry.

The Sex Talk: Rated R for Real life

Are you a father? Maybe you are a grandfather or an uncle. Maybe you and your wife expect your first child or will take your youngest child to college soon. Whatever your situation, this movie scene is your life. Read that again. This movie scene is your life.

The children in our lives are under attack while we sleep. Most of us grew up in a sexually saturated culture. Regardless, we still cannot fathom the accessibility and the explicit nature of the sexual content children see in today’s technology age. The damage to a child’s emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being is equally staggering. Countless studies show how exposure to pornography negatively alters the brain, influences attitudes about self-respect and respect of others, and teaches our children irresponsible and immoral sexual behaviors. 

But I have good kids 

I have four children. They are good kids. I could not be more proud of them and who they have grown to become. Every one of my children was exposed to pornography without me being aware. I trusted our school system to filter their computers. I trusted seemingly innocuous social media and video platforms. I was wrong, and though you might not like it, you are wrong, too.

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” —1 Peter 5:8

Children as young as 8-years-old are lured into watching pornography, and the age of exposure continues to drop. Your children are not safe. I’m not being alarmist. I’m being real with you. The false sense of safety I experienced blinded me and the results have been devastating. 

What should I do?

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. —Ephesians 6:12-13

No one would accuse the Apostle Paul of being alarmist and he wrote his letters in the first century A.D.

Fathers, you must protect your families. You must lead with integrity and teach your children the Truth of God’s Word. Sex is not a topic to avoid. Sex is a gift from God we need to cherish and teach our children to cherish.

How do I teach my kids about sex? When do I start?

You are not alone in your questions. The Sex Talk, created and produced by Proven Ministries, walks you and your spouse through the when, how, and what to share with your kids about sex in age-appropriate ways. You will also learn how to protect your children from pornography and other sexual content they might encounter.

This content and the parent community provided with it will open your eyes to reality and equip you with solid biblical and practical tools to protect your family and stay alert.

Maybe your kids are older like mine. Maybe they’ve been hurt by sexual sin. You can never be too late, any more than you can be too early. We serve a mighty God who redeems and heals–our children and us.

Check out and visit Proven Ministries to learn more.