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10 Things about Fatherhood that Helped me be a Better Husband

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Fatherhood has helped me be a better husband. Over the years, I’ve had seasons of struggle and seasons of thriving. Through it all, as I reflect, I’ve learned a lot about leading my family.

Here are a few observations of things that I’ve learned by being a father that have shaped me into being a better husband. 

How fatherhood has helped me be a better husband

Read these observations and be reminded of the importance of fatherhood—and just how much it can shape your marriage and being a husband. 

Here are a few things I’ve learned by being a father that have shaped me into being a better husband. See if any of these resonate with you.

  1. It’s ok to mess up and even cry about it.
  2. It’s good to laugh and pitch a fit once in a while
  3. That mud and dirt is a part of marriage, parenting, and life
  4. If you make a mess, clean it up.
  5. If you make a promise, keep your word or explain why not.
  6. That hugging, kissing, and pat’s on the back can heal a lot of hurts.
  7. That I have to sacrifice and learn to put others needs and rights above my own
  8. That it’s not all about me.
  9. That my family is a system and what goes on in one part of the system affects the other parts.
  10. Total commitment is more important than feeling good and being happy.

Bonus: Even if I got frustrated, upset, and discouraged while parenting my kids, not once did I think about putting them up for adoption. I learned to view my marriage with the same level of commitment—and never mention divorce.

These are just a few observations of things that I’ve learned by being a father that have shaped me into being a better husband. 

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