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Special Announcement: Kendrick Brothers Set Release Dates for 2 New Films (Video)

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2 Films Coming this Fall: Show Me the Father and Courageous Legacy

I want to take a moment and make sure you all are aware of the two new films coming from our dear brothers in Christ, the Kendrick Brothers. Sony will be opening the Kendrick Brothers’ new documentary Show Me the Father on September 10th and a 10th-anniversary re-release of Courageous for October 15th. Watch the Kendrick Brothers make the special announcement here.

Show Me the Father

Show Me the Father explores the fatherhood of God. “Everyone has a father story, but not everyone has learned how to redeem it for their own good and the good of others,” said executive producer Stephen Kendrick. “Even though fatherlessness is directly connected to so much brokenness in today’s world, we wanted to go beyond traditional documentaries and show how God is the perfect Father and can amazingly provide love and healing to anyone at any stage in life.”

Find more details and stay up-to-date on any news about Show Me the Father.

Courageous Legacy: 10th Anniversary

Can you believe it’s been ten years? I can’t! Wow! I remember watching this powerful fatherhood film for the first time—and then telling everyone about it! “We’re humbled and gratified that Courageous is continuing to make a global impact,” said director Alex Kendrick. “The Lord has been graciously using this film all over the world for a decade and we can’t wait to see how the film is received by a new generation of fathers and their families.”

“In September 2011, Courageous was estimated to open at the box office with $1.5 million and it ended the weekend as the #1 new movie, with $9.4 million in the first frame,” said Rich Peluso, EVP/Head of Affirm Films. “We are thrilled to bring this incredible story to theaters with new footage, as well as bring to the big screen the Kendrick Brothers’ first documentary.”

Find more details and stay up-to-date on any news about Courageous Legacy.

What to do now

Be sure you stay up-to-date with all of the news related to these two new and powerful films from the Kendrick Brothers.

Follow the Kendrick Brothers on Facebook and any news and updates at Show Me the Father Film and Courageous Film.

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